The Sustainability Hackathon 2020 is the 2nd Hackathon organized by the Department of Development and Sustainability, AIT. This year of the COVID-19 outbreak, we aim to achieve sustainability solutions to address the problems of Sustainability Living in the Face of Coronavirus from any aspect of development.


The name comes from “hack” and “marathon”, which should give you a good idea of the meaning of this word. Hackathons are events used by organizers to solve problems they deeply care about, in an organized chaos kind of environment. has been a trusted partner of ours since 2015 and together we’ve successfully executed about a dozen hackathons – both with internal and external participants. The team we work is attentive, extremely competent, organized, proactive and most importantly able to adapt to the ever-changing needs before and during a hackathon. 2021-02-20 Ignite Hackathon (Bundoora, 4 May) – A six-hour hackathon focusing on idea validation, business model development, and practical learning. oneM2M Hackathon (Keiraville, 8-9 May) – A hackathon that aims to imagine new applications that a smart city could offer its citizens, its elected officials or its technical and administrative services in a multi-domain vision based on the oneM2M standard. 2020-02-15 Want to bring your ideas to life?

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What you come up with will ultimately depend on the theme of the hackathon, naturally, but either way, we want to inspire you hoping that this piece comes in handy one day! These notes come from five successful years of Open Data Day DC and other civic hackathons that I’ve run, sponsored, or participated in.. The ideas have been inspired by many individuals, especially including my Open Data Day DC co-organizers Eric Mill, Sam Lee, Katherine Townsend, and Julia Bezgacheva, as well as Justin Grimes, Matt Bailey, Leah Bannon, Laurenellen McCann, and Greg Bloom. My undergraduate software professor gave us a really cool exercise to inspire a coder (that’s you!) to a project that’s wonderful and hack-able. Ideally, you’ll have 2–3 people helping you out. However, hackathons can also involve areas of product development such as graphic designers, project managers, and interface designers. Though hackathons generally revolve around computer programming, you can deviate from software development and think up improvements for a variety of departments.

Ideas that are created or exchanged at the hackathon cannot be claimed as exclusive property by any party. The purpose of the event is to encourage genuine 

It's all about formulating your ideas computationally—then using the Wolfram Language to turn them into reality. Sustainability Hackathon 2020 SOLVING THE UNSOLVED: Challenging the Unknown with Imagination Start on 20 November 2020 from 5:00 PM (Bangkok time)Finish on 21 November 2020 until 6:00 PM (Bangkok time) Where: Hybrid (Online) plus at the Secretariat: AIT Entrepreneurship Center Apply Now Programme and Activities ดาวน์โหลดเอกสาร Se hela listan på 2021-02-20 · The Hackathon ideas and developer resources that Solana Foundation (“SF”) provides are for educational and inspirational purposes only.

If you’re looking for some ideas for an upcoming hackathon… Then you’re at the right place! The purpose of a hackathon is for a group of programmers to work together on a collaborative project. Most hackathons are competitions where several teams are competing to create prototypes that innovate on a them

5 best Hackathon Project Ideas. The following are the 5 best hackathon projects.

Hackathon ideas

sending someone an existing conversation thread.
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Don't you just wish you could have the camera do all the hard work for you? A device that follows you when you climb a mountain would be  Mar 31, 2020 Joined by GitLab, Datadog and AWS, Fairwinds hosts COVID-19 Hackathon for innovators to pitch Kubernetes-based web application ideas to  Mar 27, 2019 When I heard we were doing a hackathon at Conductor, I couldn't wait to get started.

5 best Hackathon Project Ideas. The following are the 5 best hackathon projects.
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Hackathon winning pitch 1. Startup Hackathon What's in a winning pitch? Read this guide before you start hacking Anand Inbasekaran 2. First Slide : Logo Introduce your team 3. Problem Statement Imagine you as the customer and tell your story Explain why large number of customers have the same pain 4.

If you’re thinking of putting together a fintech hackathon, here are a few cool hackathon ideas that might help get you started! Create a Subscription Management Function 2019-01-24 2020-06-07 2018-04-28 2018-11-19 Concrete ideas derived from hackathons have helped deliver top-notch products, better customer experience, and greater revenue. Companies have interpreted the hackathon concept in various ways.

When competing, your idea/solution, should address one or more of the societal hackathon (it is not mandatory to work with one of these ideas, all teams are 


With an online hackathon, you have the choice to let jury members evaluate individually and as a Sure, hackathons are hard, lightning-speed work for all involved, but fun is at the very root of the event. When you're hosting an in-person hackathon, spring for great snacks and coffee. If you're organizing a virtual hackathon, you might need to be a bit more creative, but there are still plenty of opportunities to have fun. The Wolfram Language and the technology around it have burst onto the hackathon scene, bringing with it the ability to do many amazing and unexpected things. It's all about formulating your ideas computationally—then using the Wolfram Language to turn them into reality.