Swedish University dissertations (essays) about GOVERNMENTALITY. politics through an engagement with the Foucauldian governmentality perspective, 


theme of 'governmentality' in Foucault's work and the studies which he and others carried out under this heading, constructing a composite picture of the kinds of political and philosophical analysis which this style of working produces in the hands of a number of different and independent researchers.

As its empirical material, besides  av OL Larsson — Keywords Civil preparedness, governmentality, resilience, social and Lemke, T (2019) Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality: A  av L Sjöberg · Citerat av 45 — duced in or around 2007 in relation to Foucault's notion of governmentality. Keywords: (Foucault 1991, 2003), har med tiden blivit ett av Foucaults nyckelbe-. Jämför och hitta det billigaste priset på Foucault, Biopolitics, and Governmentality innan du gör ditt köp. Köp som antingen bok, ljudbok eller e-bok. Läs mer och  av J Larsson · 2005 · Citerat av 9 — Michel Foucault, ”La 'gouvernementalité'”, i Dits et écrit [DE].

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For Foucault, the societies in which we live have developed systems that are modes of  Jan 22, 2011 Mike Gane's Foucault on Governmentality and Liberalism in Theory Culture and Society December 2008 is a review of Foucault's lectures of  Mar 14, 2014 Power/Knowledge: Foucault & Frameworks of (Bio)Power & Governmentality · Foucault - historical development of modern power · Rabinow &  Dec 9, 2014 Michel Foucault (1926–1984) was a French historian and philosopher, knowledge and 'regimes of truth' (Foucault 1991; Rabinow 1991). How Female Sexual Dysfunction Differs From Erectile dysfunction because men suffering PE can get an erection, while men diagnosed with ED cannot achieve or  Michel Foucault, Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1977-78, Palgrave Macmillan 2009, p 109. Governmentality  Foucault använde begreppet framförallt under sina föreläsningar vid Collège de A Dictionary of Geography (Article: Governmentality) Oxford University Press,  av J Bergenfalk · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — By utilizing the theory of governmentality, as developed by Michel Foucault, several governmental techniques, rationalities and identifications are deciphered and analyzed in order to understand how governing is made possible during a time of crisis. av C Lindvall Pranell · 2017 — Michel Foucault as governmentality, and has later developed by other scholars. In particular, the neoliberal system for governing has been  av A Fejes · Citerat av 132 — I will start by discussing the concepts of power and knowledge.

Jan 22, 2011 Mike Gane's Foucault on Governmentality and Liberalism in Theory Culture and Society December 2008 is a review of Foucault's lectures of 

61 First, Foucault abandons what he calls the “institutional-centric” approach in order to explore the “general economy of power” that circulates beyond the walls of hospitals, schools, and prisons. 62 Second, Foucault argues that power is multivalent: its deployment always produces effects in excess of whatever function it may perform for Foucault: Biopower, Governmentality, and the Subject - YouTube. JD and Paul Raleigh/Durham - April 2021. Watch later.

av R Nilsson · Citerat av 4 — Det internationella uppmärksammandet av Foucault bland historiker är 32 Se framför allt Michel Foucault, "Governmentality", i J. D. Faubion (red.), Essen-.

Idéhistorikern Sara Ekström berättar varför det blev så, hur det växte fram och hur governmentality används som analysverktyg  4 Quoted in Colin Gordon, “Governmental Rationality: An Introduction,” in The Foucault Effect: Stu- dies in Governmentality, ed. Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon,  av R Nilsson · 2009 · Citerat av 9 — What happened is understood and analyzed with the help of Foucault's central concept of governmentality. Special emphasis had been laid on  av L Sjöberg · 2011 · Citerat av 81 — However, in addition to Foucault's constructionist and poststructural basis, pupils; power; discourse; governmentality; constructions; governing technologies. Som Michel Foucault uttrycker det (se sidan 115 i Axelsson & Qvarsebo, 2017): Studies in Governmentality, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Not. Foucault 1980? att dominera andra och att reglera självet.

Foucault governmentality

Vi beter oss som styrningsrationalister i ett  Ladda ner 16.00 MB The Foucault Effect Studies In Governmentality PDF med gratis i PDFLabs. Detaljer för PDF kan du se genom att klicka på den här  Governmentality med Sara Ekström 15:27. about a year ago 15:27. Play Later. Play Later.
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Government in this sense refers to conduct, or an activity meant to shape, guide, or affect the conduct of people. Conduct takes on meaning beyond the form of leading and directing.

But this is a transitional position that harked back to Discipline and Punish and is insufficiently supple to accommodate the open-ended complexities of governmentality (Reid, 2006). Offering new and unique approaches bridging the gap between cultural analysis and governmentality studies in the United States, this book opens up new lines of inquiry into cultural practices and offers fresh perspectives on Foucault’s writings and their implications for cultural studies. This review surveys the development of Michel Foucault's analysis of political power in terms of governmentality and outlines its key characteristics.
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Foucault and lifelong learning: Governing the subject. A Fejes, K Nicoll Constructing the adult learner: a governmentality analysis. A Fejes. Institutionen för 

In the present work a try is made to make the governmentality of Foucault accessible for analytics in the area of media education. The centre of attention is the (juvenile) smoking prevention. Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique Thomas Lemke “I often quote concepts, texts and phrases from Marx, but without feeling obliged to add the authenticating label of a footnote with a laudatory phrase to accompany the quotation. As long as one does that, one is regarded as someone who knows and reveres Marx, and will be suitably Governmentality: the framing of strategies For Foucault, strategy is not the preserve of the powerful nor confined to specific places and times. But this is a transitional position that harked back to Discipline and Punish and is insufficiently supple to accommodate the open-ended complexities of governmentality (Reid, 2006).

on governmentality in this specific context might more properly be termed the “Anglo-Foucauldian effect ” in order to distinguish it from the many other ways in which the work of Foucault and his French associates has affected philosophy, history, geography, and other branches of the arts, humanities, and social sciences at many

av G Olofsson · 2015 · Citerat av 2 — Med begreppet governmentality koncentrerade sig Foucault på makt som en styrning av Hörnqvist är kritisk till att Foucault här frångick idén om makten. av E Adenling · 2011 · Citerat av 3 — Nyckelord: Portfolio, examination, Foucault, högre utbildning, nätutbildning Governmentality: power and rule in the modern society. London:  The Foucault Reader. New York: Pantheon Foucault, M. (1991).

Offering new and unique approaches bridging the gap between cultural analysis and governmentality studies in the United States, this book opens up new lines of inquiry into cultural practices and offers fresh perspectives on Foucault’s writings and their implications for cultural studies.